Hi John — thanks for your honest assessment, and I wish you were right. While I won’t disclose my husband’s identity (for pretty obvious reasons), I can tell you I don’t believe you’re on the right track at all. However, I also don’t believe you know what it’s like to be married to the father of your kids who’s controlled your life, career (or lack thereof), reputation, and finances for over a decade and a half. Leaving sounds far easier than it is — trust me, if it were as simple as you say, I would be sipping margaritas on an island without a care in the world. It doesn’t work that way — and I do have children to consider, as well as my future and safety.
Regarding the squatter situation, I can 100% assure you it is mired in red tape and yes, in the US. Perhaps your theory about squatters’ limited rights would be true for those who find them in their primary residence, but my husband owns multiple properties, most of which are considered “investment properties”. The inherent problem with these investment properties is that no, we can’t simply kick out a squatter — especially right now with the California eviction moratorium extended. I’m no lawyer, but I’ve spent countless hours doing my own research and hiring private counsel to try to help me find a way around this. The answer we’ve all come to? My hands are tied.